Mistakes to Avoid when Buying an Air Purifier

Air Purifier Purchasing Mistakes. With the number of allergens, pollutants, and diseases that circulate throughout our environment, it’s not surprising that heating and air customers are requesting more advanced ways to filter interior air. Standard air filters do not perform at the level most customers would prefer, and the most popular air purifiers over the past decade are no longer the gold standard for clean air. As technology advanced, so did the ability of new systems to scrub the air of pollutants. If you are considering upgrading your current air filtering system, avoid making some of the most common air purifier mistakes. To experience the cleanest interior air possible, ask your HVAC technician about the ActivePure Technology System. 

Top Mistakes When Purchasing Air Purification Systems

While researching your options for air purification systems, you will probably come across many buzzwords that sound promising but provide little clarification to the actual ability to clean the air. From UV lights to HEPA filters, many systems claim to make the air in your environment cleaner and fresher-smelling than the simple filters of the past. Buying one of the popular air filters on the market means you must wade through a variety of options to see which ones are most likely to deliver on promises. The best solution for your home or office depends on your specific needs, the configuration of your space, and your budget. 

Purchasing the Wrong Features on Air Purifiers

Not all filters are created equally, and customers often purchase products with features that are either unnecessarily complicated or not strong enough for the space. Choosing a product with digital controls and easy maneuverability may be priorities for one person, but others may find them unnecessary. When trying to stay within a budget, it’s important to make your money count, so skimping on the quality of the filters in favor of more impressive tech controls can be a mistake. The features should meet your needs without causing unnecessary additional expenses. 

Failing To Take Maintenance Cost Into Account

For many customers, it can be difficult to balance the desires of features, quality, and budget. For some, the cleanest indoor air is necessary due to sensitivity to allergens or lowered immune systems. The cost to upgrade your system may be daunting, but you should also consider the cost to maintain your system. Traditional systems with standard filters require frequent maintenance for optimal use. Although these replacement filters are inexpensive, they must be rotated out frequently. Other purifying filters, such as HEPA, last longer but cost more to replace. 

Assuming a Few Houseplants Will Purify Your Air

It’s no secret that strategically placed houseplants can improve the air quality of your home. Some homeowners choose to purify plants to distribute throughout the home in the hopes that the air quality will improve. Although some plants are known for cleaner-air capabilities, achieving the same level of cleanliness as an air purifying system is not possible. Filters remove a variety of particles as they pass through, while plants only provide fresh oxygen and interact with organic compounds found in the air. 

Air Purifiers vs. ActivePure Technology System

Another mistake customers make when seeking cleaner indoor air is continuing to use outdated technology. With systems on the market that can actively scrub the air instead of waiting for a passive filter to remove particles, customers can experience the cleanest air possible. The ActivePure Technology System is a modern system that can remove contamination from both air and surfaces of the home. Unlike passive filters, which need surface particles to be disturbed before they can be filtered, the ActivePure system can actively search for contaminants continuously. 

The ActivePure Technology System is safe, quiet, chemical-free, and can be operated while people are in the room. Low maintenance and energy-efficient, the system uses a technologically advanced matrix to destroy viruses, bacteria, and other contaminants. This technology uses air currents to travel to surfaces and through fabrics, removing pollutants that air purifiers and filtration systems leave behind. Choosing an ActivePure system is cost-efficient, and with the easy plug-and-play installation option, it is easy to add to your current cleaning system. 

Cleaner Air With A-Z Air Duct

High-quality air in Arizona is easier to come by when you pick A-Z Air Duct for all of your HVAC and air quality needs. The company provides air duct cleaning, system installation, and other custom needs to customers in Phoenix, the valley, and other Maricopa County area locations.

The ActivePure Technology System can make a major difference in your home, reducing allergens and contaminants and allowing you to enjoy cleaner air every day. For information about the ActivePure Technology System or any other heating and air conditioning-related concern, contact A-Z Air Duct for an appointment today.


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